About me

I have possessed psychic abilities since I was a child. For as long as I remember, I have been able to ‘tune in’ to peoples emotions. I was also aware when a major event was about to happen. As a teenager, my psychic abilities developed further as I began to dream about events that were yet to take place. It was only as an adult, however, that I recognised my psychic abilities for what they were, and actively sought to develop them.

I was given my first psychic reading in my late twenties. I found the process of tuning in to a persons possession (such as piece of jewelery) in order to give them a psychic reading so fascinating that I decided to learn more about it.

It was not long before I went from being able to tune in to a persons piece of jewelery by touching them, to being able to give them a reading simply by being in the same room as them. I would pass messages on from the spiritual world, both from loved ones and from their spiritual guides. I also helped provide guidance when a need was raised.

In spite of my hearing impairment, I have been able to help many people with my psychic abilities over the years.

I now have fifteen years experience in providing spiritual readings, healing and guidance.